1. Facing east, touch the forehead and say Eheieh (I am).
2. Touch the groin and say Malkuth (the Kingdom).
3. Touch the right shoulder and say ve-Geburah (and the Power).
4. Touch the left shoulder and say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory).
5. Clasp the hands upon the breast and say le-Olahm IAO (Forever, IAO).
6. In the East, trace the banishing pentagram of Air. Vibrate Eheieh.
7. Turn to the North and trace the banishing pentagram of Earth. Vibrate Adonai.
8. Turn to the West and trace the banishing pentagram of Water. Vibrate Eloah.
9. Turn to the South and trace the banishing pentagram of Fire. Vibrate AGLA.
10. Turn to the East to complete the circle. Extend the arms in the form of a cross and say:
11. Before me Raphael.
12. Behind me Gabriel.
13. On my right hand Michael.
14. And on my left hand Auriel.
15. For about me flames the pentagrams.
16. And within me shines the six-rayed star.
17. Repeat the Qabalistic Cross (parts 1-5).