Middle Pillar Exercise Instructions
Qabalistic Cross
- Visualize your body growing larger until your feet rest on the Earth as though on a ball a foot across. See the bright light of a star far, far above your head. Reach up with your right hand to the light and draw it down touching your forehead. Vibrate AHIH (pronounced “eh-heh-yeh,” means “I am”).
- Touch your chest. Visualize the light following a line down your body to the sphere of the earth at your feet. Vibrate MALKUTH (pronounced “mahl-koot,” means “Kingdom”).
- Touch your right shoulder; sphere of brilliant red light, Vibrate VE-GEBURAH (pronounced “veh geh-boo-rah,” means “and power”).
- Touch you left shoulder; sphere of brilliant blue light. Vibrate VE-GEDULAH (pronounced “veh geh-dyoo-lah,” means “and glory”).
- Hands in prayer position. See the cross of light outlined on your body. Vibrate LE-OLAM, IAO (pronounced “leh o-lahm, eh-ah-oh,” means, “from now to the end of time, IAO”)
Descent of the Light
- Transfer attention to that region immediately above the crown of the head and there visualize a sphere of white brilliance.
- Vibrate four times, slowly, the name AHIH (“eh-heh-yeh,” I am)
- Feel that a beam of brilliance is emitted downwards from the sphere above the head towards the nape of the neck, forming a brilliant sphere. This can be white or blue-gray in color.
- Vibrate four times, slowly, the name YHVH ALHIM (“yud-heh-vav-heh ell-oh-heem,” The Lord God)
- Feel the beam of light descend to the heart. This can be visualized bright white or glowing sunny yellow.
- Vibrate four times, slowly, the name YHVH ALVH VDAaTH (“yud-heh-vav-heh ell-oh-ah vah-dah-aht,” Lord God of Knowledge)
- Feel the beam of light descend to the genitals. Visualize the brilliant white sphere, or a glowing violet sphere.
- Vibrate four times, slowly, the name ShDI AL ChI (“shah-die ell kye,” Almighty Living God)
- Feel the beam of light descend to the feet. Visualize again a brilliant white sphere, or a shiny black or glowing dark green sphere.
- Vibrate four times, slowly, the name ADNI HARTz (“ah-dough-nye ha ah-retz,” Lord of Earth)
Circulating the Light, Part 1
- Place your attention again at the Kether center above your head.
- Breathe the light in at Kether and pull it down to Tiphareth at the center of the chest, the heart center.
- Feel the Tiphareth center glowing brightly as you breathe out.
- Repeat four times, feeling the Tiphareth center blazing more brightly on each circulation.
Circulating the Light, Part 2
- For a four-count in-breath, breathe the light into your Tiphareth center and feel it pass from your heart down your left arm and left side to Malkuth.
- Feel the energy building in the Malkuth center as you hold your breath for a count of four.
- On the out-breath for four counts, breathe the light from Malkuth up the right side of your body and back to your Tiphareth center.
- Feel the energy again building at the Tiphareth center as you hold the breath for a count of four.
- Repeat for a total of four circulations.
Cabalistic Cross
- Repeat the Cabalistic Cross to close.